finalmente   esta pronto .....pude participar com varios amigos dessa fantastica collab nao e novidade ja disse varias vezes e digo outra vez,sou suspeito pra falar qualquer coisa quando o assunto e street fighter,e nessa participacao fiquei com a missao de  fazer algo com o evil ryu e o charlie e cada artista pode criar sua versao  dos personagens do game em comemoracao ao seus  30 anos ...alem de que  foi um prazer trocar informacoes e ideias com o pessoal assim todo mundo se diverte e cresce junto

para ver todas as artes da collab street fighter 30th brasil e so acessar o link abaixo


finally is ready ..... I was able to participate with several friends of this fantastic collab is not new and I said several times and I say again, I'm suspect to say anything when the subject is street fighter, and in this participation I was with the mission to do something with evil ryu and charlie and every artist can create their version of the characters of the game in celebration of their 30 years ... besides that it was a pleasure to exchange information and ideas with the staff so everyone 
has fun and grows together

to see all the arts of collab street fighter 30th brazil and just access the link below