ola,fui entrevistado recentemente por um site de game chamado  www.gamesfoda.net ,que por sinal sigo a  certo tempo e gosto muito do humor acido do site,entre suas materias mais serias tambem,na materia falei um pouco de como comecei a vida como ilustrador,dificuldades do trabalho e games logico hehehe falei um pouco do que gosto  e tenho de dizer que adorei o subtitulo da materia,zecarlos e o mundo dos enlatados eletronicos hehehe porque realmente e o que penso do mercado de games hoje em dia,entao gostaria de compartilhar essa entrevista,espero que se divirtam,e obrigado shana pela oportunidade

hello, I was interviewed recently by a site  www.gamesfoda.net , which happened to follow the right time and I love the humor of theacid site, among its most serious matters too, talked a little in the matter of how life began as an illustrator, labor difficulties and logical games, my favorite hobby, playing, drawing and talking about game hehehe I spoke a little of what I like and I must say that I loved the caption of the matter, zecarlos and the world of canned electronic hehee because they really and what I think the gaming market today, so I would like to share this interview, I hope you enjoy and thanks for the opportunity shana


     certo tempo ja venho estudando animacao 2d,e a algum tempo comecei com a animacao 3d(outra vez hehehe pois eu havia desistido)entao resolvi mostrar um dos primeiros estudos com um boneco achado achado net afora,depois de passar da parte de desenho,chegou a hora de ir para o sofhtware,essas sao so poses ,simples  poses aparentemente,mas o conteudo teorico pra animacao comecou a fazer muito sentido pra poder chegar nessas simples poses,pois nao sao so desenhos,sketchs e poses, agora,tudo tem um porque e um motivo claro e objetivo,e foi o que tentei transmitir nessas poses ,e espero estar conseguinto,porque por incrivel que pareca ainda nem comecei a fazer animacao de verdade hehehe...a hora que comecar mesmo ai sim ,a dificuldade vai aumentar pra valer ehehe

some time already been studying 2D animation, and some time I started with3d animation (again because I had given up hehehe) so I decided to show oneof the first studies to find a doll found net over, after spending part of thedrawing, it's time to go to sofhtware, so these are poses, poses seeminglysimple, but the theoretical content for animation began to make much sense tobe able to get these simple poses, because not only are drawings, sketchesand poses now, because everything has a and a clear motive and purpose,and that's what i tried to convey in these poses, and hope to be conseguinto, because oddly enough has not even started doing animation for real timehehehe ... oh yes they even start, the difficulty will increase for real ehehe