essa semana resolvi postar algo do meu sketch book,o que eu fico fazendo no meu tempo livre? as vezes saem um street fight ( #sfv #streetfighter)mesmo sem querer, quando estou cansado de usar o computador normalmente vou pro stech book, com lapis ,caneta,marcadores e aquarela e comeco qualquer coisa que venha a mente , sem tema, sem pressao,sketch book pra mim deve ser natural e fluir ideias , tambem tenho muita anotacao e sketch bem mais de estudo ,coisas que talvez nunca venha a ser finalizadas ou reaproveitadas,mas a verdade e que as vezes e inspirador explorar coisas que vc quase nao usa ou nunca usa, podemos nos surpreender com o resultado alem de ser um
item muito pessoal na minha opniao que diz muito sobre vc....entao se vc nao tem um sketch book ainda, dica comece um
This week I decided to post something from my sketch book, what I do in my free time? Sometimes they go out a street fight ( #sfv #streetfighter) even if they do not want to, when I'm tired of using the computer, I usually go to the stech book, with pencil, pen, markers and watercolor, and start anything that comes to mind, without a theme, without pressure, sketch book for me It should be natural and flow ideas, I also have a lot of notes and sketches, a lot of things that may never be finalized or reused, but the truth is that sometimes it is inspiring to explore things that you almost never use or never use. We are surprised by the result as well as being a very personal item in my opniao that says a lot about you .... so if you do not have a sketch book yet, tip start one