nao costumo postar fotos diretas do sketch book,mas recentemente , consegui voltar  a dar atencao  a ele....normalmente tenho 2 que normalmente uso ao mesmo tempo,claro dependendo do humor hehehhe ,tem gente que tem sketchbook tematico eu nao consigo manter a linha e sempre os trato como sketchbook,cheio de anotacoes ,desenhos feitos em cima uns dos  outros  sem piedade,testes por todas as paginas praticamente,seja de materiais novos ,ou alguma coisa nova aprendida ...entao tenho feito muitas coisas ali,e tambem tenho usado um app novo  de desenho  como sketchbook....mas o objetivo principal e manter a mente em atividade,eu costumo ter esses altos e baixos  de vez em quando and fico ate bastante tempo sem desenhar algo que eu goste ....nessas horas e que o sketchbook salva vc hehehhe e te mantem motivado pra continuar nessa infinita jornada
e a imagem e sobre  Avatar (James Cameron)  adoro esse filme,e seus peronagens  princiopalmente o general ( Stephen Lang) , inspirado pelo filme  saiu essa versao nada muito parecida com o personagem do filme ,mas era pra ser ele hehehe
I do not usually post direct photos of the sketch book, but recently I managed to pay attention to it again ... I usually have 2 that I usually use at the same time, of course depending on the mood hehehhe, there are people who have thematic sketchbook I can not keep Line and I always treat them as sketchbook, full of annotations, drawings made on top of each other without mercy, testing all the pages practically, be it new materials or something new learned ... so I have done many things there, and I have also used a new drawing app as a sketchbook .... but the main objective is to keep the mind active, I usually have these ups and downs every now and then and I stay up to a long time without drawing something I like ... .these hours and that sketchbook saves you hehehe and keeps you motivated to continue on this endless journey
And the image and about Avatar (James Cameron) I adore this film, and its peronages mainly the general (Stephen Lang), inspired by the film left this version nothing much like the personage of the film, but was to be hehehehe


semana de trabalho bem intenso,mas consegui voltar ao estudos ,e tentando acima de tudo divertir ,gosto de elaborar e criar algo me baseando em formas ,as vezes sai algo interessante,como consegui pensar ultimamente heheheh pra poder criar algo interessante ,tentei focar na caricatura que a tempos eu nao tenho feito e ao mesmo tempo a e uma da minha prioridades com esse tipo de exercicio e se soltar  e quem sabe voltar a programacao normal heheh se que me entendem por que ainda to devagar na minha opniao,um pouco preso e nao tenho conseguido variar o tanto que eu particularmente quero nesses estudos rapidos
I had a great work week, but I managed to get back to my studies and try to do everything. I have fun, I like to elaborate and create something based on shapes, sometimes something interesting comes out, how I managed to think of myself lately to be able to create something Interesting, I tried to focus on the caricature that at times I have not done and at the same time and one of my priorities with this type of exercise and let go and maybe return to normal programming heheh if they understand me why I'm still so slow in my opniao , A bit stuck and I have not managed to vary the amount that I particularly want in these studies


depois de um grande tempo sem postar nada,realmente fiquei sem tempo ,pois desde novembro do ano passado ate a semana passada nao havia parado hehhe quer dizer ate parei mas nao tive forcas nem cabeca pra postar alguma coisa aqui,mas estou voltando as atividades devagar novamente heheh,e hoje tentei brincar com algo meio cartoon ,nao tentei nada de novo na verdade minha intencao era se divertir apenas,e como eu ando assistindo alguns westerns classicos ,acabei me inspirando em fazer algo hehehe recentemente vi ( outra vez ) o bom o mal e o feio (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) e na sequencia  era uma vez no oeste ( Once Upon a Time in the West )  os 2 melhores do genero pra mim,fica a dica hehehe


After a long time without posting anything, I really did not have time, since from November last year until last week I had not stopped hehhe means until I stopped but I did not have the strength or the head to post anything here, but I'm slowly going back to activities Again heheh, and today I tried to play with something kind of cartoon, I did not try anything new in fact my intention was to have fun only, and as I walk watching some classic westerns, I ended up inspiring myself to do something hehehe recently saw (again) the good The bad and the ugly (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) and in the sequence was once in the west (Once Upon a Time in the West) the 2 best of the genre for me