entrada para o contest street fighter vs darkstalkers ( #sfvsdscomic ) officialmente, a ideia era mostrar uma ideia mais humorada,ja que o Dan e um personagem mais descontraido e hilario....e como eu queria fazer um personagem que eu ainda nao tinha desenhado ,mesmo tendo o Demitri ali.mas acho que ficou divertido,essa foi uma imagem que me rendeu algumas variacoes de cores que ficaram interessante ,porem essa foi a que enviei ao contest...agora e esperar pela tao aguardado crossover nos quadrinhos,e quem sabe um dia nos games tmbm,nao seria uma coisa ruim nao
Entry for the contest street fighter vs darkstalkers (#sfvsdscomic) officially, the idea was to show a more humorous idea, since Dan is a more relaxed and hilarious character .... and how I wanted to make a character that I still did not have I think it was fun, this was an image that gave me some variations of colors that were interesting, but that was the one I sent to the contest ... now and wait for the long awaited crossover in the comics, And maybe a day in the games, it would
not be a bad thing not