essa semana começo a mostrar um pouco do que eu estava fazendo nas ultimas semanas sobre o street fighter vs darkstalkers ( #sfvsdscomic ) , hoje um sketch do nosso  querido Blanka  comemorando  sua vitoria sobre John Talbain .... como ja havia dito outras vezes, jogos de luta da capcom sao meu ponto fraco  heheh,principalmente street fighter,mas darkstalkers tambem tem um espaco aqui hehhe,e confeço que desde  que joguei a darkstalkers 2  eu ja imaginava que um dia esse encontro poderia acontecer,isso foi no mesmo periodo em que muito  se cogitava ate um encontro entre street fighter vs mortal kombat....o encontro de  lutadores e monstros da capcom vai acontecer  apenas nos quadrinhos,o que ja e algo interessante,quem sabe nao vemos isso nos jogos tambem algum dia


This week I start to show a little of what I was doing in the last weeks about street fighter vs. darkstalkers (#sfvsdscomic), today a sketch of our beloved Blanka celebrating his victory over John Talbain .... as he had said before, Capcom fight games are my weak point heheh, mainly street fighter, but darkstalkers also have a space here hehhe, and I confess that since I played the darkstalkers 2 I imagined that one day this encounter could happen, this was in the same period in That much was considered until a meeting between street fighter vs mortal kombat .... the encounter of fighters and monsters of the capcom will happen only in the comics, which is already something interesting, who knows we do not see it in games any day


essa semana , voltando aos thumbnails...e tentando explorar alguma coisa interessante para o confronto do seculo heheh.....street fighter x darkstalkers.
para ser honesto sempre esperei  que isso acontecesse dentro de algum jogo  .... mas por enquanto isso so vai acontecer dentro dos comics,o que nao deixa de ser interessante,principalmente para os que sao da minha geracao que cresceu jogando e sonhando com esse crossover...sobre o thumbnail,ainda tem algumas coisas pra experimentar ,mas talvez eu use alguma dessas para finalizar


This week, going back to the thumbnails ... and trying to explore something interesting for the confrontation of the century heheh ..... street fighter x darkstalkers.
To be honest I've always hoped that it would happen in some game ... but for now this will only happen inside the comics, which is interesting, especially for those of my generation who grew up playing and dreaming of this Crossover ... about the thumbnail, there are still some things to try, but maybe I'll use some of those to finish