Halloween week is gone but I could not stop doing something on the subject, I have not been able to keep the post frequency because of some work that ends up consuming until free time, but halloween day can not pass hehehe ... inspired by 2 movies that I saw this week that I did not watch, Friday 13 (2009) and halloween (2007) ... I consider the two very interesting, either by the update of Jason Vorhees or by the direction of Rob Zombie .. I also heard that Michael Myers had returned in 2018


Halloween week is gone but I could not stop doing something on the subject, I have not been able to keep the post frequency because of some work that ends up consuming until free time, but halloween day can not pass hehehe ... inspired by 2 movies that I saw this week that I did not watch, Friday 13 (2009) and halloween (2007) ... I consider the two very interesting, either by the update of Jason Vorhees or by the direction of Rob Zombie .. I also heard that Michael Myers had returned in 2018..



tirei o final de semana pra ver alguns filmes novos,mas confeco que  depois de ver uns 4 filmes ,senti que faltava algo , e fui rever um filme que certamente completaria essa necessidade, Aliens (James Cameron) , se o primeiro filme do Alien e atemporal e continua increvelmente realista  e convincente depois de muitos anos, a continuacao, Aliens o Resgate faz o mesmo,e muito inspirador  que acabei  fazendo um sketch sem compromisso da  nossa querida Ripley
I took the weekend to see some new movies, but I realized that after seeing 4 movies, I felt that something was missing, and I went to review a film that would surely fill this need, Aliens (James Cameron), if the first Alien movie timeless and remains incredibly realistic and convincing after many years, then Aliens the Rescue does the same, and very inspiring that I ended up doing an uncompromising sketch of our beloved Ripley


semana na base de street fighter,fazia um tempo em que eu nao fazia nada sobre esse classico,ainda mais se falando na nossa querida chinesa  Chun Li,eu fiz um sketch no artbook apenas por diversao mas que depois colori  normalmente ,sem pretencao  alguma.....apena stentei me divertir, e isso e uma coisa que e necessario  em certos momentos ,pois ilustrar tem que ser divertido ,por mais profissional que vc seja tem momentos que vc precisa fazer um favor a si mesmo e tirar alguns minutos pra se divertir e  explorar , as vezes gosto de estender uma folha de papel sobre a mesa e deixar  a mao trabalhar ,isso e tao prazeroso e terapeutico pra mente de um artista que deveria ser receitado como remedio  hehehe justamente naqueles momentos emq ue vc se encontra numa baixa criativa
week on the basis of street fighter, it was a time when I did nothing about this classico, even more if speaking in our Chinese sweetheart Chun Li, I did a sketch in the artbook just for fun but then I colored normally, without any intention whatsoever. .... but I am having fun, and this is something that is necessary in certain moments, because to illustrate it has to be fun, however professional you are, you have moments to do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to have fun and explore, sometimes I like to spread a sheet of paper on the table and let the hand work, this is so pleasurable and therapeutic for the mind of an artist that should be prescribed as a remedy hehehe precisely in those moments where you are in a creative low


em uma galaxia distante....surgia uma collab em comemoracao dos 40 anos de Star Wars (organizada por adriano gon) ,e pra mim nao era uma questao  de apenas fazer artes bacana sobre o tema,mas e algo mais ,cresci vendo  os filmes antigos,nao gosto muito dos 3 filmes que vieram depois mas ,eu os respeito heheh,e os 2 ultimos achei digno....nao vejo Star Wars apenas como uma marca ou produto e mais que isso,atravessou geracoes  e sempre ganha novos seguidores, nao sou tao viciado e nem conheco tudo sobre  essa saga,mas adoro de coraca .....sobre  minha missao ,fui indicado pra fazer um personagem nao muito conhecido,o Lider Supremo Snoke
tem a  exposição comemorativa de 40 anos de Star Wars  montada na 
Biblioteca Pública Municipal "Prof. Nelson Foot".
Não deixem de visitá-la  
no link abaixo voces podem ver mais arte dos artistas

in a distant galaxy .... a collab was born in celebration of the 40 years of Star Wars (organized by adriano gon), and for me it was not a question of just doing cool art on the subject, but something else, I grew up seeing the old movies, I do not like the 3 movies that came later, but I respect them heheh, and the last 2 I found worthy .... I do not see Star Wars just as a brand or product and more than that, crossed generations and always wins new followers, I am not so addicted and I do not know all about this saga, but I love corac ..... about my mission, I was nominated to make a character not very well known, the Supreme Leader Snoke
has the commemorative exhibit of 40 years of Star Wars mounted in the Municipal Public Library "Prof. Nelson Foot"
Do not forget to visit her
in the link below you can see more artists art


essa semana  resolvi postar algo do meu sketch book,o que eu fico fazendo no meu  tempo livre? as vezes saem um street fight ( #sfv  #streetfighter)mesmo sem querer, quando estou cansado de usar o computador normalmente vou pro stech book, com lapis ,caneta,marcadores e aquarela e comeco  qualquer coisa que venha a mente , sem tema, sem pressao,sketch book pra mim deve ser natural  e fluir ideias , tambem tenho muita anotacao e sketch bem mais de estudo ,coisas que talvez nunca venha a ser finalizadas ou reaproveitadas,mas  a verdade e que as vezes e inspirador  explorar coisas que vc quase nao usa ou nunca usa, podemos nos surpreender com o resultado alem de ser um 
item muito pessoal na minha opniao que diz muito sobre vc....entao se vc nao tem um sketch book ainda,  dica  comece um
This week I decided to post something from my sketch book, what I do in my free time? Sometimes they go out a street fight ( #sfv  #streetfighter) even if they do not want to, when I'm tired of using the computer, I usually go to the stech book, with pencil, pen, markers and watercolor, and start anything that comes to mind, without a theme, without pressure, sketch book for me It should be natural and flow ideas, I also have a lot of notes and sketches, a lot of things that may never be finalized or reused, but the truth is that sometimes it is inspiring to explore things that you almost never use or never use. We are surprised by the result as well as being a very personal item in my opniao that says a lot about you .... so if you do not have a sketch book yet, tip start one


tentando retornar ao pc pois nas ultimas semana com a correria  basica do estudio, tenho passado mais tempo no sketchbook....e como eu particularmente tenho uma certa preguiça de escanear algumas paginas  ,acabo que nao posto muita coisa  dele aqui....mas ande estudando algumas coisas recentemente que a tempos eu nao fazia  se tem uma coisa que e muito boa  pra quem desenha e ,de vez em quando resgatar ideias e fundamentos antigos ou esquecidos,e sempre inspirador e pode render coisas interessantes tmbm... sem falar que vc acaba  sem querer dando uma reciclada....porque quem  costuma ficar na sua zona de conforto,e acha que sabe tudo...fica estaguinado no tempo 
Trying to return to the pc because in the last week with the basic run of the studio, I have spent more time in the sketchbook .... and how I particularly have a certain laziness to scan some pages, I just do not put much of it here .... But I've been studying some things recently that I did not do if there is one thing that is very good for those who draw, and from time to time to rescue old or forgotten ideas and foundations, and it is always inspiring and can yield interesting things. To say that you end up unwittingly giving a recycled .... because who usually stays in your comfort zone, and thinks that knows everything ... is staguinado in time


nao costumo postar fotos diretas do sketch book,mas recentemente , consegui voltar  a dar atencao  a ele....normalmente tenho 2 que normalmente uso ao mesmo tempo,claro dependendo do humor hehehhe ,tem gente que tem sketchbook tematico eu nao consigo manter a linha e sempre os trato como sketchbook,cheio de anotacoes ,desenhos feitos em cima uns dos  outros  sem piedade,testes por todas as paginas praticamente,seja de materiais novos ,ou alguma coisa nova aprendida ...entao tenho feito muitas coisas ali,e tambem tenho usado um app novo  de desenho  como sketchbook....mas o objetivo principal e manter a mente em atividade,eu costumo ter esses altos e baixos  de vez em quando and fico ate bastante tempo sem desenhar algo que eu goste ....nessas horas e que o sketchbook salva vc hehehhe e te mantem motivado pra continuar nessa infinita jornada
e a imagem e sobre  Avatar (James Cameron)  adoro esse filme,e seus peronagens  princiopalmente o general ( Stephen Lang) , inspirado pelo filme  saiu essa versao nada muito parecida com o personagem do filme ,mas era pra ser ele hehehe
I do not usually post direct photos of the sketch book, but recently I managed to pay attention to it again ... I usually have 2 that I usually use at the same time, of course depending on the mood hehehhe, there are people who have thematic sketchbook I can not keep Line and I always treat them as sketchbook, full of annotations, drawings made on top of each other without mercy, testing all the pages practically, be it new materials or something new learned ... so I have done many things there, and I have also used a new drawing app as a sketchbook .... but the main objective is to keep the mind active, I usually have these ups and downs every now and then and I stay up to a long time without drawing something I like ... .these hours and that sketchbook saves you hehehe and keeps you motivated to continue on this endless journey
And the image and about Avatar (James Cameron) I adore this film, and its peronages mainly the general (Stephen Lang), inspired by the film left this version nothing much like the personage of the film, but was to be hehehehe


semana de trabalho bem intenso,mas consegui voltar ao estudos ,e tentando acima de tudo divertir ,gosto de elaborar e criar algo me baseando em formas ,as vezes sai algo interessante,como consegui pensar ultimamente heheheh pra poder criar algo interessante ,tentei focar na caricatura que a tempos eu nao tenho feito e ao mesmo tempo a e uma da minha prioridades com esse tipo de exercicio e se soltar  e quem sabe voltar a programacao normal heheh se que me entendem por que ainda to devagar na minha opniao,um pouco preso e nao tenho conseguido variar o tanto que eu particularmente quero nesses estudos rapidos
I had a great work week, but I managed to get back to my studies and try to do everything. I have fun, I like to elaborate and create something based on shapes, sometimes something interesting comes out, how I managed to think of myself lately to be able to create something Interesting, I tried to focus on the caricature that at times I have not done and at the same time and one of my priorities with this type of exercise and let go and maybe return to normal programming heheh if they understand me why I'm still so slow in my opniao , A bit stuck and I have not managed to vary the amount that I particularly want in these studies


depois de um grande tempo sem postar nada,realmente fiquei sem tempo ,pois desde novembro do ano passado ate a semana passada nao havia parado hehhe quer dizer ate parei mas nao tive forcas nem cabeca pra postar alguma coisa aqui,mas estou voltando as atividades devagar novamente heheh,e hoje tentei brincar com algo meio cartoon ,nao tentei nada de novo na verdade minha intencao era se divertir apenas,e como eu ando assistindo alguns westerns classicos ,acabei me inspirando em fazer algo hehehe recentemente vi ( outra vez ) o bom o mal e o feio (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) e na sequencia  era uma vez no oeste ( Once Upon a Time in the West )  os 2 melhores do genero pra mim,fica a dica hehehe


After a long time without posting anything, I really did not have time, since from November last year until last week I had not stopped hehhe means until I stopped but I did not have the strength or the head to post anything here, but I'm slowly going back to activities Again heheh, and today I tried to play with something kind of cartoon, I did not try anything new in fact my intention was to have fun only, and as I walk watching some classic westerns, I ended up inspiring myself to do something hehehe recently saw (again) the good The bad and the ugly (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) and in the sequence was once in the west (Once Upon a Time in the West) the 2 best of the genre for me 


 entrada para o contest street fighter vs darkstalkers ( #sfvsdscomic )  officialmente, a ideia era mostrar uma ideia mais humorada,ja que o Dan e um personagem mais  descontraido e hilario....e como eu queria fazer um personagem  que eu ainda nao tinha desenhado ,mesmo tendo o Demitri  ali.mas acho que ficou divertido,essa foi uma imagem que me rendeu algumas variacoes de cores  que ficaram interessante ,porem essa foi a que enviei ao contest...agora e esperar pela tao aguardado crossover nos quadrinhos,e quem sabe um dia nos games tmbm,nao seria uma coisa ruim nao


Entry for the contest street fighter vs darkstalkers (#sfvsdscomic) officially, the idea was to show a more humorous idea, since Dan is a more relaxed and hilarious character .... and how I wanted to make a character that I still did not have I think it was fun, this was an image that gave me some variations of colors that were interesting, but that was the one I sent to the contest ... now and wait for the long awaited crossover in the comics, And maybe a day in the games, it would
 not be a bad thing not


mais uma entrada para o contest street fighter vs darkstalkers ( #sfvsdscomic )  officialmente, dessa vez a minha ideia era mostrar o  poderoso Dan Hibiki ,tirando proveito da situacao heheh batendo em crianca,quer dizer a pequena  Baby Bonnie Hood nem tao indefesa assim hehehhe  mas talvez ele tenha pego ela distraida porem Demitri nao gostou da ideia de uma cara de outra franqui achegar pra abater suas precas  heheheu tentei deixar a cena um pouco humorada afinal Dan   fala mais do que luta,nao foi dessa vez que o Chael Sonnen do street fighter se deu bem
Another entry for the contest street fighter vs. darkstalkers (#sfvsdscomic) officially, this time my idea was to show the powerful Dan Hibiki, taking advantage of the situation heheh beating child, I mean the little Baby Bonnie Hood nor so helpless so hehehhe but Maybe he got her distracted because Demitri did not like the idea of a face of another franqui coming to shoot his preca heheheu tried to leave the scene a little moody after all Dan speaks more than fight, it was not this time Chael Sonnen of the street fighter Got lucky


esta foi minha entrada para o contest street fighter vs darkstalkers ( #sfvsdscomic )  officialmente,eu no inicio nao queria usar personagens masi conhecidos mas nao consegui  deixar o blanka de lado,é meu personagem preferido,e ja fiz vaios desenhos dele que podem ser achados aqui no blog,por outro lado eu gosto tmbm de john talmbain  mas aqui o representante brasileiro leva a melhor em cima do lobo hehehhe,a imagem mudou um pouco ,ela ficou mais clean sem muita poluicao visual acho que realmente ficou mais interessante e nao temos nada distraindo,como no jogo por exemplo,desde street fighter alpha  parece que a poluicao visual virou regra,tudo fica piscando na tela e em alta velocidade,infelismente por mais que eu adore a franquia ,esse tipo de coisa eu nao gosto ate hoje


This was my entry for the contest street fighter vs darkstalkers ( #sfvsdscomic ) officially, I did not want to use the most familiar characters but I could not leave blank blank, it's my favorite character, and I already made drawings of it that can be found here on the blog, on the other hand I I like tmbm by john talmbain but here the Brazilian representative takes the best on top of the hehehehe wolf, the image has changed a bit, it has been cleaner without much visual pollution I think it really got more interesting and we have nothing distracting, like in the game for example , Since street fighter alpha seems that the visual pollution has become the rule, everything is flashing on the screen and at high speed, unhappy as much as I love the franchise, that kind of thing I do not like until today


continuando com street fighter vs darkstalkers ( #sfvsdscomic ) ,esta foi uma opacao que depois de um tempo descartei,depois de falar com alguns amigos e ter um feedback de outros amigos,inicialmente eu queria algo que representasse o final de um round ,como acontece no jogo,mas creio que ficou poluido demais.o detalhe e que o Blanka e Jjohn Talbain sao meu personagens preferidos de ambos os games,so que eu tive de escolher quem continuaria em pe 
Continuing with street fighter vs darkstalkers ( #sfvsdscomic ), this was an option that after a time I discarded, after talking to some friends and having feedback from other friends, initially I wanted something that represented the end of a round, as in the game, but I think it was too polluted. The detail is that Blanka and Jjohn Talbain are my favorite characters from both games, so I had to choose
 who would still stand


essa semana começo a mostrar um pouco do que eu estava fazendo nas ultimas semanas sobre o street fighter vs darkstalkers ( #sfvsdscomic ) , hoje um sketch do nosso  querido Blanka  comemorando  sua vitoria sobre John Talbain .... como ja havia dito outras vezes, jogos de luta da capcom sao meu ponto fraco  heheh,principalmente street fighter,mas darkstalkers tambem tem um espaco aqui hehhe,e confeço que desde  que joguei a darkstalkers 2  eu ja imaginava que um dia esse encontro poderia acontecer,isso foi no mesmo periodo em que muito  se cogitava ate um encontro entre street fighter vs mortal kombat....o encontro de  lutadores e monstros da capcom vai acontecer  apenas nos quadrinhos,o que ja e algo interessante,quem sabe nao vemos isso nos jogos tambem algum dia


This week I start to show a little of what I was doing in the last weeks about street fighter vs. darkstalkers (#sfvsdscomic), today a sketch of our beloved Blanka celebrating his victory over John Talbain .... as he had said before, Capcom fight games are my weak point heheh, mainly street fighter, but darkstalkers also have a space here hehhe, and I confess that since I played the darkstalkers 2 I imagined that one day this encounter could happen, this was in the same period in That much was considered until a meeting between street fighter vs mortal kombat .... the encounter of fighters and monsters of the capcom will happen only in the comics, which is already something interesting, who knows we do not see it in games any day


essa semana , voltando aos thumbnails...e tentando explorar alguma coisa interessante para o confronto do seculo heheh.....street fighter x darkstalkers.
para ser honesto sempre esperei  que isso acontecesse dentro de algum jogo  .... mas por enquanto isso so vai acontecer dentro dos comics,o que nao deixa de ser interessante,principalmente para os que sao da minha geracao que cresceu jogando e sonhando com esse crossover...sobre o thumbnail,ainda tem algumas coisas pra experimentar ,mas talvez eu use alguma dessas para finalizar


This week, going back to the thumbnails ... and trying to explore something interesting for the confrontation of the century heheh ..... street fighter x darkstalkers.
To be honest I've always hoped that it would happen in some game ... but for now this will only happen inside the comics, which is interesting, especially for those of my generation who grew up playing and dreaming of this Crossover ... about the thumbnail, there are still some things to try, but maybe I'll use some of those to finish


meu primeiro post do ano,tentando voltar as atividades mas esta dificil,terminei o ano  com alguns projetos pessoais que nao consegui acabar....ainda....mas esta tudo na reta final e consegui um tempo pra nao deixar passar a data do dia do quadrinho nacional ,desde a ccxp 2016,estou
 tentando por em dia a leitura,nao e muita coisa,eu acho eheh,mas
recentemente eu terminei 2 e ate aproveitei a data pra fazer algo 

Patria Armada( de Klebs Jr),tanto a as 3 edicoes da hq quanto a antologia de Visoes de Guerra  sao maneiras,arte legal que mistura  mutantes e humanos tipo uma guerra civil  inicado apos o golpe de 64 no Brasil e Visoes de Guerra e so uma parte
 da nata dos quadrinhistas nacionais numa unica edicao 

Opala76 (de Eduardo Ferigato).como acompanho o trabalho dele a muito tempo sou ate suspeito de dizer algo heheh,mas essa hq dele tem uma cara de filme, uma boa arte e uma historia  sobre  um acerto de contas,nao sei porque mas me lembrou filmes do Charles Bronson  e adorei isso 

ainda tenho muito o que ler entre hqs nacionais e gringas,de amigos e de artistas que admiro tentarei resolver isso ,mas por enquanto isso feliz dia do quadrinho nacional aos que trabalham na area direta ou indiretamente,sabemos que nao e facil,mas sabemos que amamos isso tudo mesmo assim


My first post of the year, trying to return to the activities but this difficult, I finished the year with some personal projects that I could not finish .... yet .... but everything is in the final stretch and I got some time to not let the date go by Of the day of the national comic, since the ccxp 2016 in Sao Paulo, I'm trying to update the reading, not much I think eheh, but recently
 I finished 2 and even took the time to do something 

Patria Armada (de Klebs Jr), both the 3 editions of  comics and the anthology of Visions of War are awsome,  the  art is very good that mixes mutants and humans like a civil war that started after the coup  of 64 in Brazil and Visions of War and only one part 
of the best Brazilian artists  in a single edition

Opala76 (by Eduardo Ferigato). As I accompany his work a long time I'm even suspect to say something heheh, but this comic seems to be a movie, a good art and a history about a settling of accounts, I do not know why but me I remembered Charles Bronson movies and I loved it.

I still have a lot to read between national and international comics, friends and artists that I admire, I'll try to solve this, but for the time being this happy day of the national comic to those who work in the area directly or indirectly, we know that it is not easy, but we know that We love it all anyway