hoje que percebi que cheguei na semana 100 de sketchs ,eu gostaria de post algo mais interessante mas como essa semana vi o o teaser trailer da liga da justica,me vi obrigado a opinar sobre algo frustrante, entre tudo que foi mostrado o que mais me incomodou foi o visual do cyborg,que posso dizer eu estava bem ansioso pra ver,e um personagem que esta na minha lista de favoritos aqui,na interne ttem referencias muito mais interessantes do que foi mostrado e dificil nao comparar com o que fizeram com o apocalipse no filme dos xmen....bem....fazer o que?paciencia,e torcer pra que o filme realmente seja bom o suficiente pra que nao fiquemos prestando atencao em coisas que poderiam ser melhores heheh....o que acho bem dificil de acontecer hehehe ainda mais sabendo que a warner ja tentou e fez o filme da liga no passado
bom ate la tenho certeza que as animacoes da liga da justica nao vao me decepcionar,principalmente o tratamento dado ao cyborg,em todas as animacoes ate hoje achei ele muito maneiro
today I realized that I got the week 100 sketches, I would like to post something more interesting but as this week saw the the teaser trailer of league justice, I was forced to give an opinion on something frustrating of all was shown what bothered me was the look of the cyborg, I can say I was very eager to see, and a character that is in my list of favorites here in interne ttem references much more interesting than what was shown and difficult not to compare with what they did to the apocalypse in the film of xmen .... well .... do what? patience, and hope for the film is really good enough for that we are not paying attention to things that could be better .... heheh what I think very difficult to happen hehehe even more knowing that warner already tried and made the league's last film
good until then I'm sure the animations League justice will not really let me down, especially the treatment of the cyborg in all animations until now found it very cool