sei que andei dando um aparada nos posts....nas ultimas semanas,mas isso e temporario,o trabalho andou exigindo as poucas horas livres que eu tinha hehehe...bem mas hoje finalmente fui liberado pra divulgar minha participacao em mais um livro de tributo da udon entarteiment,e novamente pude ilustrar personagens da capcom,o que nao e uma novidade ,ja deixei bem claro em outros posts de tributo que eu naoa guento,meu vicio pela capcom e mais forte heheheh,mas quero comecar  com a base ,no inicio do ano eu tinah participado de um outro tributo ,pelo facebook do resident evil,entao ,o sketch book estava cheio de ideias,eu apenas adaptei para o personagem leo de red earth,um jogo ,se me lembro bem ,de luta extremamente complicado,nao joguei muito mas lembro que eu adorava,se bem que quando era mais novo ehehhe qualquer jogo dde luta me chamava a atencao hehehe 
o livro sera lancado na SDCC san diego comicon

Capcom Fighting Tribute will premiere with a limited-run convention edition hardcover at San Diego Comic-Con, July 9-12!
- The standard edition of Capcom Fighting Tribute will be released September 2015. Links to pre-order the book at a variety of online retailers can be found here:


I know I've been giving a trimmed in posts .... in recent weeks, but that and temporary, work requiring walked the few free hours I had hehehe ... well but today I was finally released to disclose my participation in another book tribute of udon entarteiment, and again I could illustrate characters from Capcom, which is not new, already made it clear in other tribute of posts I naoa guento, my addiction by capcom and stronger heheheh, but I want to start with the base at the beginning of the year I Tinah participated in another tribute at facebook resident evil, then, the sketch book was full of ideas, I just adapted to the oil character red earth, a game, if I remember right, fight extremely complicated, I not play much but I remember that I loved, although when I was younger ehehhe any game dde fight called me the attention hehehe
the book will be released in SDCC San Diego comicon

Capcom Fighting Tribute will premiere with a limited-run convention edition hardcover at San Diego Comic-Con, July 9-12!
- The standard edition of Capcom Fighting Tribute will be released September 2015. Links to pre-order the book at a variety of online retailers can be found here: