meus sketchs da semana deram uma atrasada consideravel,minha intensao era postar algo a cada semana mas desde o inicio do ano nao tenho conseguido,seja pelos projetos novos que entraram e alguns a longo prazo ou seja no tempo que preciso parar para selecionar o sketch e escrever aqui....porem...nao importa,cetamente terei bastante coisa pra mostrar logo...semanas atras,comecei uma ilustra nova,de street fighter,meu queridissimo Mr Banka hehehe...desenhado no mischief,um programinha bem basico,mas bem bacana pra soltar ideias  la dentro,tentei umas coisas novas na pintura rapida,nao funcionou la muito bem,no quesito,iluminacao,mistura de cores e tal heheh mas a imagem ainda esta em andamento
My Week sketches gave a considerable late, my intention was to post something every week but since the beginning of the year have not achieved, either by new projects that entered and some long term that is the time I need to stop to select the sketch and write here .... however ... no matter, I will cetamente quite something to show soon ... weeks ago, I started a new shows, street fighter, my beloved Mr Banka hehehe ... drawn on mischief, a little program well basic, but very nice to drop ideas within it, I tried some new things in the fast painting, it did not work very well, in the inquiry, lighting, color mixing and such heheh but the image is still in progress