tribute Hayao Miyazakido grupo ( /) minha homenagem,do primeiro filme ghibli que assisti e que ate hoje acho o melhor, pra mim claro hehehe,logico que gosto da maioria dos filmes ghibli,mas porco rosso ,tem de tudo um pouco,numa historia bem interessante,alem de muito divertida...animacao e impecavel,foi otimo brincar com o personagem  
e espero ter feito algo a altura da importancia que o filme tem
Hayao Miyazakido tribute group ( /) tribute, the first movie I watched Ghibli and until now I think the best course for me hehehe, like logical that most Ghibli films but pork rosso has a bit of everything, a very interesting story, very fun ... besides animation and impeccable, was good to play with the character and I hope I have done something the height of importance that the film has 


depois de algumas semanas complicadas,venho com esse material que estava desenvolvendo para o contest diablo 3,infelismente por problemas fisicos ,e muitas dores nas costas tive de abortar heheh....mas resolvi colocar aqui ,ate onde eu fui,como da pra ver parei ja bem no comeco,,e nao resolvi continuar porque achei que nao vale a pena,por nao significar muita coisa pra mim,nao me diz e nao me passa nenhuma sensacao interessante,mas e so pra ficar de registro mesmo,e ate porque diablo e um game classico que gosto muito....outra coisa ,se puderem conferir as artes participante do contest,tem muita coisa legal la

after some difficult weeks, I come with this material he was developing for the contest diablo 3, unfortunately for physical problems, back pain and many had to abort heheh .... but I decided to put here, as far as I went, as to the see already stopped right in the beginning, and I decided not to continue because I thought it is not worth it, for not mean much to me, not tell me and not give me any interesting sensation, but to stay and so the same record, and even because diablo is a classic game that I like .... another thing, if they can give the participating arts contest, it has lots of cool stuff