finalmente...em respeito ao lancamento do box de colecionador de tributo a 25 anos de street fighter....o qual tive a honra de participar mesmo eu,achando que nao conseguiria,afinal tive alguns problemas de tecnicos pra fazer minha ilustracao,pois fiquei sabendo do tributo 3 dias antes da entrega,mas acho que expressei bem o que eu sentia e sinto pela franquia,ja que sou um jogador de longa data hehehe,o tema era sou um street fighter...e a unica coisa que me passava peal cabeca,era o fato de uma batalha epica como essa sobreviver ao tempo,pois....e a mais iconica do jogo, a 25 anos
info sobre o box de luxo aqui:
finally ... with respect to the launching of the box collector of tribute to 25 years of street fighter .... which I was honored to participate even if I do not think they could at last had some problems of technicians to make my illustration, since I learned of the tribute three days before delivery, but I think I expressed exactly what I felt and feel for the franchise, since I am a longtime player hehehe, the theme was ... I'm a street fighter and ... only thing that I spent peal head, was that an epic battle to survive this time, because .... and iconic game, to 25 years
info on the box of luxury here: