ola...essa semana com pouco trabalho,comecei a participar de alguns contest pela internet...e gostaria de compartilhar esse de inicio,pois se trata de um tributo street fighter 25 anos,como viciado no game nao poderia deixar de participar,pena o tempo que tive de 3 dias pra produzir,devido a um adiamento da data final,fiz o maximo pra que ficasse algo legal,e expressase o que significava o game pra mim,dentre as imagens apenas a do ryu e sagat em combat foi a que enviei e foi selecionada,esses sao os speedpaint de verdade hehehe acho que levei uns 15 minutos pra fazer os dois desenhos
hello ... this week with little work, I began to participate in some contest on the internet ... and I would like to share this at first, because it is a tributestreet fighter 25 years, as addicted to the game could not fail to participate,worth the time I had 3 days to produce due to a postponement of thedeadline, did as much for something to stay cool, and expressase what the game meant to me, among the images just ryu and sagat in combat was thatwas selected and sent, these are the real speedpaint hehehe I think I tookabout 15 minutes to do the two drawings