sketch da hora do almoco hehehe,pois e devido ter esquecido o pendrive com um servico pra fazer no horario do almoco,nao tive outra opcao,se nao rabiscar,mas por incrivel que parece eu estava com o jogo golden axe na cabeca,devido ao curto tempo nao fiz pesquisa de nada ,so imaginei um dos chefes de fase do game,quem sabe resolva fazer algo sobre esse game que acho muito bom,infelismente nao sobreviveu ao tempo,o ultimo titulo que o diga ne
sketch of the lunch hour hehehe, and because it has forgotten the stick with a service to do at lunchtime, I had no other option, if not scribble, but it seems incredible that I was with the game golden axe in the head, due toshort time I did not research anything, so I figured one of the chief phase of the game, who knows decides to do something about this game that I find very good, unfortunately not survived the time, the last title that says it does not and even