depois de um grande tempo sem postar nada,realmente fiquei sem tempo ,pois desde novembro do ano passado ate a semana passada nao havia parado hehhe quer dizer ate parei mas nao tive forcas nem cabeca pra postar alguma coisa aqui,mas estou voltando as atividades devagar novamente heheh,e hoje tentei brincar com algo meio cartoon ,nao tentei nada de novo na verdade minha intencao era se divertir apenas,e como eu ando assistindo alguns westerns classicos ,acabei me inspirando em fazer algo hehehe recentemente vi ( outra vez ) o bom o mal e o feio (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) e na sequencia  era uma vez no oeste ( Once Upon a Time in the West )  os 2 melhores do genero pra mim,fica a dica hehehe


After a long time without posting anything, I really did not have time, since from November last year until last week I had not stopped hehhe means until I stopped but I did not have the strength or the head to post anything here, but I'm slowly going back to activities Again heheh, and today I tried to play with something kind of cartoon, I did not try anything new in fact my intention was to have fun only, and as I walk watching some classic westerns, I ended up inspiring myself to do something hehehe recently saw (again) the good The bad and the ugly (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) and in the sequence was once in the west (Once Upon a Time in the West) the 2 best of the genre for me 

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