essa semana ,muitas coisas para terminar mas consegui um tempinho pra brincar um pouco hehehe,o tema dessa vez overwatch, nem joguei ainda mas so dever a arte do game ne deu uma baita nostalgia de quando vi street fighter a primeira vez,nao sei explicar exatamente mas talvez seja o fato de termos muitos personagens  e etnias diferentes e referencias da cultura mundial envolvida heheh seja nas frases ditas quanto na caracteristicas de alguns personagens,e McCee realmente e meu preferido,e como ver uma versao de  Clint Eastwood no jogo,e nao vejo a hora de poder por as maos nesse game...o problema vai ser  arranjar um tempo pra isso heheh


this week, a lot of things to finish but got a little time to play a little hehehe, the theme this time overwatch, not played yet but so should the art of ne game gave a hell of nostalgia when I saw street fighter the first time, I know not explain exactly but maybe the fact that we have many characters and different ethnicities and references of world culture involved heheh is in said sentences as the characteristics of some characters, and McCee really and my favorite, and how to see a version of Clint Eastwood in the game, and not wait to power by the hands in this game ... the problem will be to arrange a time for this heheh

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