nessa semana ,vi novamente alien ,fazia um tempo que nao assitia e fiquei empolgado e fiz um sketch pra estudar e aplicar cor futuramente  talvez,e incrivel ver que o filme mesmo apos tantos anos ainda continua atual(pelo menos para mim hehehe) ele nao parece ficar datado,a nao ser pelos cortes de cabelo hehehe,mas o resto  continua impecavel,o clima claustrofobico ,a tensao ,a falta da musica nossa ainda me causa a mesma sensacao de quando vi o filme a primeira 
vez,fantastico,e ainda passa  aquela coisa de temer o desconhecido  tranquilamente ehehe
agora tenho de tirar um tempo pra poder testar umas cores em cima disso ai,
eu na verdade ate fiz mas nao achei interessante entao vou refazer
outra coisa interessante e que o que me levoua rever o filme foi  saber  do lancamento de um artbook  ALIEN VISIONS que tem a tem a intencao de mostrar o quanto a franquia influenciou  a cultura e ate outros artistas , entao eu pensei ,eu nunca tinha feito nada sobre a franquia e olha que e uma das minha favoritas top 5 hehe, nem de brincadeira eu tinha feito algo relacionado entao pra brincar com a ideia eu fiz minha visao 

this week, I saw again alien, was a time that not assitia and I was excited and did a sketch for study and apply color in the future perhaps, and incredible to see the film even after so many years still present (at least for me hehehe) he does not seems to be dated, to not be the hehehe haircuts, but the rest is still impeccable, the claustrophobic atmosphere, the tension, the lack of music our still causes me the same feeling of when I saw the film the first time, fantastic,
 and yet pass the thing to fear the unknown quietly ehehe
now I have to take time to be able to test some colors on top of that there, 
I actually even did not but found interesting then I will redo
Another interesting thing is that what levoua me review the film was to know the launch of a ALIEN VISIONS artbook that has to have the intention of showing how the franchise has influenced the culture and even other artists, so I thought I'd never done anything about the franchise and look at that and one of my favorite top 5 hehe, not joking I had something to do then to play with the idea I made my vision

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