essa semana,mais thumbnails,como ultimamente consegui um tempinho entre os estudos de ingles heheh e trabalho,voltei a estudar ou rever algumas coisas sobre cores e acabei testando alguns brushes pra sketch   tambem,eu finalmente consegui pegar para ler o livro color choices (stephen quiller) eu tinha esse livro a algum tempo ja mas ainda nao tinha conseguido ler  de forma continua,eu ainda nao terminei mas tentei aplicar algumas coisas nesses thumbs,a principio,voltar a trabalhar com limitacao de cor ,eu percebi que a um tempo atras eu estava  esquecendo principios basicos  e metodos que costuma usar para colorir entao,precisei resgatar alguns habitos,e comecei por esse limitar a paleta,o livro aborda um outro metodo de usar o color wheel,que cinseramente ainda achei confuso mas isso faz parte...e so fazendo e colocando em pratica que se aprende
this week, more thumbnails, as lately got a little time between studies heheh English and work, I went back to study or review some things about colors and just testing some brushes to also sketch, I finally managed to get to read the book color choices (stephen Quiller) I had this book for some time already but had not yet managed to read continuously, I have not yet finished but tried to apply some things in those thumbs, in principle, return to work with color limitation, I realized that a long time ago I was forgetting basic principles and methods that often use to color then, I had to rescue some habits, and started by that limit the palette, the book discusses another method of using the color wheel, which cinseramente still found confusing but that's part .. .and so making and putting into practice what you learn

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