na verdade faz algum tempo que queria postar isso,mas nao quero fazer um post muito longo.....bem.....comecando npelo comeco,minha missao no concept confront  era tentar fazer algo com o justiceiro (marvel) ,entao apos escrever,e escrever ate que ....bastante,minha intencao era mudar o personagem,mas nao muito,afinal ele tinha que ficar reconhecivel,no comeco foi bem dificil pois tudo que eu fazia me lembrava coisas que eu ja tinha visto em algum outro momento,desde um cara negro ate uma mulher durona,minha saida foi ver alguns filmes  e ai   percebi que bons filmes do justiceiro ja haviam sido feitos,hehehe mas sem o selo marvel,mas  na essencia,qualquer cara ou mulher com uma camiseta de caveira pode se tornar o justiceiro apos uma grande perda,seja familiar ou qualquer outra coisa....entao ,clint eastwood (gran torino),nick nolt (hulk),robert de niro (taxi driver) comecaram a dar umas ideias,a partir dai meu justiceiro passou ser um veterano de guerra bem acabado e deprimido e sem familia,mas disposto a vingar a morte de seus filhos ,mas depois eu conto mais

actually some time ago that I wanted to post this, but do not want a very long post ..... well ..... Starting out npelo beginning, my mission was to confront concept try to do something with the Punisher (Marvel), then after write and write until .... well, my intention was to change the character, but not much, after all it had to be recognizable, in the beginning it was very difficult because everything I did reminded me of things I had already seen in some other time, since a black guy until one tough woman among other things, my exit was watching some movies and good movies ai realized that the punisher had already been made​​, hehehe but without the marvel and seal skulls, but in essence, any guy or a woman with a skull shirt can become the punisher after a big loss, either family or anything else .... then, clint Eastwood (gran torino), nick Nolte (hulk), robert De Niro (taxi driver) began to give some ideas, from there went my punisher be a war veteran finished and depressed and no family, but willing to avenge the death of their children, but then I count more

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