com esse post finalizo o  que fiz para participar do artbook  tribute world of warcraft(udon/blizzard)...esse foi um que nao avancei muito,ficou no sketch...porem era uma das primeiras ideias,e como nao ficou de meu agrado,parei por ai,acho que da ate pra ver o esboço inicial ali,pois o objetivo nesse momento era fazer um estudo de cor e iluminacao,a partir dessa peça e que fui desenvolvendo as outras postadas anteriormente


I conclude this post with what I did to attend the tribute artbook world of warcraft (udon / blizzard) ... this was not one that I moved too, was in the sketch ... however it was one of the first ideas, and how it was not my liking, I stopped by there, think of until to see the initial sketch there, because the goal this time was to make a study of color and lighting, from this piece and I was developing other previously posted

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