e no sketch da semana  tem pouca coisa hehehe,eu queria elaborar algo de um jogo que sou muito fan,nao cheguei a joga-lo com a frequencia que joguei mortal kombat ou street fighter,mas joguei....killer instict,ainda mais que um novo game da serie vem por ai,mesmo me decepcionando...a noticia me empolgou a desenhar meus personagens favoritos, o resto,tem comics,animaçao pixar....e superman....sem superman ehheh  


sketch of the week and has little hehehe, I wanted to draw something from a game that I am very fan, not got to play it with the frequency that I played mortal kombat or street fighter, but played .... killer instict, further that a new game in the series comes around, myself disappointed ... the news excited me to draw my favorite characters, the rest is comics, animation pixar ....and superman ... no superman ehheh

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