a noticia e velha na verdade,mas gostaria de compartilhar,esta ilustracao foi feita pra revista rollingstones brasil,eu fiquei encarregado de fazer a parte do cenario e alguns personagens,o mais legal de ter feito esse trabalho foi a pesquisa,alem de ver cada artista,ainda escutamos a musica de todos hehe,e isso foi muito inspirador hheehehe...apos colorida a imagem ainda recebeu um tratamento pos-pintura de luciano lagares,a arte ficou na mao de jairo rodrigues
 nessa esta meio que em baixa resolucao mas,podera ser vista nos minimos detalhes nesse link:

the news is actually old, but would like to share, this illustration was made formagazine rollingstones Brazil, I was charged with making the party scene and some of the characters, the coolest thing you have done this work was research, in addition toseeing each artist, even listen to music all hehe, and it was very inspiring ... hheehehecolor after the image has been given a post-painting of luciano lagares, the art was in thehand of jairo rodrigues
  This means that in this small resolution, but can be seen in the minimal details on this link:

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