outra notícia bacana...dia 15/9 entra no ar o site do concept confront,outro collab bem divertido de participar,e mais um que vem virando noticia por ai, mas dessa vez a questao e entre confrontos de ilustracoes e seus respectivos personagens,o tema  nesse inicio o tema  e marvel versus fiquei com o justiceiro,futuramente postarei em detalhes minha concepçao do personagem,que acabei recriando,mas respeitando certos aspectos  e fatos do personagem original,o combate vai ser dificil,pois tem artes realmente interessantes com visoes interessantes e diferentes de personagens iconicos do mundo dos quadrinhos

o site arkade ( )  deu destaque ao concept confront,e ficou realmente bacana,o site ainda esta em construcao,a partir do dia 15/9 estara disponivel na integra,mas algumas artes podem ser conferidas aqui na arkade


other cool news ... 15/9 days the site goes live confront the concept, another collab really fun to participate, and another turning news that comes around, but this time the issue and clashes between the illustrations and their respective characters, the theme in the beginning theme and marvel versus dc .......... I got the righteous in the future I'll post details in my conception of the character, I just recreating, but respecting certain aspects and facts of the original character, combat will be difficult, because it has really interesting arts with interesting and different visions of iconic characters in the world of comics 

arkade the site ( gave prominence to confront concept, and was really nice, the site is still under construction, from 15/9 'll be available in full day, but some gear can be checked here at arkade

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